Faith Ringgold has designed an art making game called, Quiltuduko. It's based on and inspired by Sudoku. When Faith wanted to take a break from working on, The Harlem Renaissance Party (2015 published by Harper Collins) and have some down time she would play Sudoku. That play time inspired her new game, Quiltuduko. Faith designed thousands of beautiful images for the game and with help from developers, Ed Kim and Kerrin McLaughlin the game is available for you. Quiltuduko is available on Google Play for Android and iTunes for iPad and iPhone. Quiltuduko costs $1.99 and there is a free version too. Quiltuduko comes with 50 beautiful games (5 games are in the free version), original music written by Faith Ringgold and performed by Dr. Joe Camardo and Faith's voice talks you through play "oops".
Learn more about Faith Ringgold.
Download to play the Quiltuduko game app on your
iPhone, iPad, tablet or android device now! Video

Images on this site are owned and copyrighted by Faith Ringgold and other guest artists.